by Cyrus Moon | Aug 31, 2023 | Abdominal Health, Collaborative Medicine, Digestive Health, Health and Wellness, Medical Procedures, Minimally Invasive Surgery, Patient Care, Surgical Innovations, Surgical Solutions, Surgical Specialties
General Surgery’s Impact on Abdominal Health When it comes to overall well-being, the importance of maintaining a healthy abdominal region cannot be underestimated. This is where the field of general surgery plays a pivotal role. From addressing gallbladder...
by Cyrus Moon | Aug 8, 2023 | Bariatric Surgery, Fitness, Health and Wellness, Lifestyle, Weight Loss
Navigating the Challenges: Decoding Obesity: Beyond Simple Solutions In the pages of the February 2015 issue of Lancet, a renowned British medical journal, an illuminating article tackled the intricate relationship between obesity and its profound effects on the human...
by Cyrus Moon | Aug 8, 2023 | Financial Considerations, Healthcare, Medical Procedures
Unveiling the True Price”The cost of surgery, the cost of inaction When contemplating bariatric surgery, thoughts of the future cost of your healthcare might not be the initial concern. For many, the decision to explore surgical weight loss options is rooted in...
by Cyrus Moon | Aug 8, 2023 | Cancer Awareness, Health and Wellness, Medical Research, Obesity
The profound impact of obesity on health continues to unfold, revealing an undeniable link to an increased risk of cancer development. Recent findings, as discussed in an article published by the American Medical Association (AMA), underscore the urgent need to...
by Cyrus Moon | Aug 8, 2023 | Achievements, Medical Professionals, News and Updates, Uncategorized
Celebrating a Remarkable Achievement: Dr. Moon’s Induction into Fellowship of the American College of Surgeons On a memorable Sunday, October 22, 2017, Dr. Moon stood among over 1800 esteemed surgeons from across the globe as they were inducted into the...